Lone Scientist[]
"Lone Scientist" is the title of the main protagonist of Forever Skies' story, and is how the game and community refer to the player, you, as you make your way through the world to unravel the mysteries of the virus that has ravaged humanity.
Health Parameters[]
Health Bar[]
The Health Bar is an indicator for how much damage the player can receive before dying. This meter has a maximum value of 100.
Health will decrease through manys methods:
- Falling from extended heights
- Hostile entities
- Eating some raw consumables
- Drinking unfiltered fluids like Dirty Water
- Encountering, or being struck by hazards
- Certain diseases
- Having your hunger or thirst depleted
Restoring health is possible by consuming First Aid Kits.
Hunger Bar[]
The Hunger Bar is an indicator for how much Food the player has available to use up before dying of starvation.
With a maximum value of 100, Food will decrease naturally by roughly 1 every 22.2 seconds, taking about 37 minutes to reach 0. Upon depletion, you will be notified of extreme starvation, and die about 5 seconds afterwards.
Food cannot regenerate naturally, and must be restored with consumables that have the +Food stat.
Hydration Bar[]
The Thirst Bar is an indicator for how much Water the player has available to use up before dying of thirst. With a maximum value of 100, Water will decrease naturally by roughly 1 every 17.4 seconds, taking about 29 minutes to reach 0. Upon depletion, you will be notified of extreme thirst, and die about 5 seconds afterwards.
Thirst cannot regenerate naturally, and must be restored with consumables that have the +Water stat.
Energy Bar[]
The Energy Bar is an indicator for how much Energy the player has left. This also dictates how much Stamina the player has available.
With a maximum value of 100*, Energy will decrease naturally by roughly 1 every 33 seconds, taking about 55 minutes to reach 0. Upon depletion the player will pass out and collapse on the spot, regardless of how inconvenient or dangerous it may be, sleeping until cancelled or until a full sleep cycle is completed.
Energy will not regenerate by itself, and the following means must be used:
- Sleeping, either in a bed by choice, or after being forced to pass out upon bar depletion.
- Eating consumables with a +Energy stat
Stamina Bar[]
Stamina is a subtype of Energy that fuels player actions, like sprinting or knife swings. The maximum amount relies on the amount Energy available on your Energy Bar, so - if you have 60/100 Energy you will have 60 maximum Stamina. Stamina is displayed as a thinner bar beside the Energy Bar.
If Stamina goes lower than the amount required to perform an action swiftly, when an action is used, then the action will still be performed but significantly slower than normal. The exception to this is sprinting, which simply will not work if you are completely out of Stamina.
While it may seem like using up your Stamina results in Energy being depleted faster, it has no effect. Other than its dependent maximum amount, Stamina is separate from Energy.
Flashlight Status[]
•Shows the current state of your Flashlight (on or off)
Booster / Disease Status[]
• Shows the currently active Boosters you have applied to your character and the diseases your character has been infected by.
Immunity Status[]
Immunity Level is shown on your Inventory Screen and is divided into three distinct states: High (>75%), Medium (50-75%) and Low (<50%). Each state of the Immunity system affects how susceptible you are to diseases. Your immunity will decrease, permanently, as the story progresses. It is possible to restore it temporarily, but not possible to restore permanently.
The Lone Scientist's personality is that of a Silent Protagonist. Who you are is up to you!