Forever Skies Wiki


This section of the database teaches you about the game.


• Responsible for resistance to diseases
• Diseases are caused by insect bites, wounds and raw food

• Immunity weakens as virus-induced disease progresses with time
• There is no way to stop it
• It remains constant, it cannot rise again permanently
• It is possible to temporarily increase the value of Immunity

[1]  HIGH: 100% resistance to diseases
[2]  NORMAL: 75% resistance; basic diseases are active
[3]  LOW: 50% resistance; basic and chronic diseases are active

Disease Treatment[]

• The cause of the disease can be an insect bite, wound or raw food
• The higher the Immunity, the greater the chance of avoiding infection
• Diseases details are described under the Diseases category in Database

• First time infection provides research of the Medicine
• Then the Medicine must be crafted and consumed
• The resources needed to craft the medicine are related to its source
• Diseases last a certain amount of time – they can be waited out but it requires

special care of health and watching out for the negative effects

Basic Health Parameters[]

• Decreases from receiving wounds, falling from heights, diseases, unhealthy food and dirty water

• Decreases over time, from diseases, specific types of food and drinks

• Decreases over time, regenerates when sleeping
• Dropping to 0 causes loss of consciousness

• Falls during sprinting and effortful actions, regenerates when resting
• Its max level is limited by Fatigue level

Airship Damage[]

The hull and external equipment of the Airship may be damaged affecting their functioning and look.
Use a Repair Patch to fix the damage. Sources of damage:

COLLISIONS – collisions with solid objects or fast landing.
The severity of damage depends on speed.

FLOATING DEBRIS – collisions with objects floating with the wind.
They pose a danger at low altitudes. Strength of damage depends on speed.

LIGHTNING – danger on high altitudes – can be avoided by lowering altitude or taking cover
near high objects. Dangerous to the health of the Airship crew when the hull is damaged.

DUST – a thick layer of dust damages the airship. A hazard at very low altitude.
The severity of damage depends on the time spent in the dust.

Ship Load Parameter[]

• Determines the maximum weight that an Airship can carry.
• Every part of the airship’s hull and equipment has its own mass.

• Increased by expanding the Balloon or building an additional Balloon Core with the Airship Builder.
• Balloon Expansion increases the size of an existing balloon.
• Balloon Core allows the creation of an additional independent balloon
