Forever Skies Wiki

For information about the purified Gastroenteritis Virus Item, visit the Gastroenteritis Item page.


A virus that will cause your Hunger and Thirst to deplete faster if you eat Raw Food when your immunity is Medium or Low.

Symptoms Causes Cures
Hunger and Thirst increase faster Eating Raw Food Electrolyte Pill
Medical Station


Immunity progressively lowers as the story progresses, and while you can temporarily increase it through various means, you can not permanently increase it back to High.

  • At High Immunity, you will be immune to viruses.
  • At Medium Immunity, you will be susceptible to the basic forms of viruses and their symptoms, and you will recover from them naturally over time.
  • At Low Immunity, instead of recovering from a basic virus, you will progress to the Chronic Form of the virus, where the symptoms are more intensified and a cure only possible through your direct intervention, by either Medicine or a Medical Station.
