Forever Skies Wiki

For an advanced guide on the intricacies of Pipes and Plumbing, see the Plumbing Guide.


Garden Showcase 29

Getting Started[]

Let's go over the basics first, by getting you acquainted with the basics of gardening. Click on any of the items to learn more about them.

Small Garden Pot Small Garden Pot Temp Pipe Pipe Icon Sprinkler SmallSprinkler Icon Clean Water Clean Water
Big Garden Pot BiG Garden Pot Temp Pipe Socket PipeSocket Icon Large Sprinkler LargeSprinkler Icon Dirty Water Dirty Water
Small Water Tank Watertank Small Icon Cross Pipe CrossPipe Icon2 Pipe Water Generator PipeWaterGenerator Icon Organic Fertilizer Organic fert temporary
Large Water Tank Watertank Large Icon Pipe Connected Membrane MembraneUpgraded Icon Dust Fertilizer Dust fert temporary

To begin, all you need is a Small Garden Pot, a Seed, and some water (clean or dirty, it doesn't matter). Put the Seed and the Water in the Pot, wait a bit, and voila, a new plant has grown that you can harvest! It's as easy as that. You can speed up the growth of plants by using Organic Fertilizer (or in some cases, Dust Fertilizer may be necessary..)

You can find a few types of seeds from Seed Bags, and later on, Seeds Tubers, but for the most part, you'll get seeds around 30% of the time by simply harvesting a plant. Lets go over a chart showing what each seed looks like, and information about what it grows into.

Seed Using grows into Plant
Inkbulb Seed InkbulbSeed Icon Small Garden Pot Temp grows into Inkbulb Inkbulb
Canola Multidoigt Seed CanolaSeed Icon Small Garden Pot Temp grows into Canola Multidoigt Flower Canola Multidoigt Flower
Petit Astre Seed PetitAstreSeeds Icon Small Garden Pot Temp grows into Petit Astre Petit Astre
Bruiseflower Seed BruiseflowerSeed Icon Small Garden Pot Temp grows into Bruiseflower Bruiseflower
Petit Bruiseflower Seed PetitBruiseflowerSeeds Icon Small Garden Pot Temp grows into Petit Bruiseflower Petit Bruiseflower
Dust Lettuce Dust Lettuce Small Garden Pot Temp grows into Dust Lettuce Dust Lettuce
Patat Patat Small Garden Pot Temp grows into Patat Patat
Leafire Seed LeafireSeed Icon Small Garden Pot Temp grows into Leafire Leafire
Pig Smile Seed PigsmileSeed Icon Small Garden Pot Temp grows into Pig Smile Pigsmile
Glowweed Seed Neon plant seeds 128x128 Small Garden Pot Temp grows into Glowweed Neon plant 128x128
Dust Firecracker Seed Dust Firecracker Seed 128x128 Small Garden Pot Temp grows into Dust Firecracker Fruit Dust Firecracker 128x128
Breathnut Seed BreathnutSeed Icon BiG Garden Pot Temp grows into Breathnut Plant BreathnutPLant Icon2 Breathnut
Coffee Nut Seed CoffeeNutSeed Icon BiG Garden Pot Temp grows into Coffee Nut Plant CoffeeNut Icon2 Coffee Nut
Dust Daisy Seed DustDaisySeed Icon BiG Garden Pot Temp grows into Dust Daisy Plant DustDaisy Icon2 Dust Daisy
Green Colander Seed GreenColanderSeed Icon BiG Garden Pot Temp grows into Green Colander Plant GreenColander Icon2 Green Colander
Lobster Pepper Seed LobsterPepperSeed Icon BiG Garden Pot Temp grows into Lobster Pepper Plant PlantLobsterPepper Icon Lobster Pepper
Meteor Bean Seed MeteorBeanSeed Icon BiG Garden Pot Temp grows into Meteor Bean Plant MeteorBean Icon2 Meteor Bean
Sunmelon Seed SunmelonSeed Icon BiG Garden Pot Temp grows into Sunmelon Plant PlantSunmelon Icon Sunmelon
North Star Seed NorthStarSeed Icon BiG Garden Pot Temp grows into North Star Plant NorthStarPlant Icon NorthStarFruit
Sleeping Lily Seed SleepingLilySeed Icon BiG Garden Pot Temp grows into Sleeping Lily Plant PlantSleepingLily Icon Sleeping Lily Fruit
Siren Crown Seed BiG Garden Pot Temp grows into Siren Crown Plant
Elair Seed BiG Garden Pot Temp grows into Elair Plant
Summer Balm Seed BiG Garden Pot Temp grows into Summer Balm Plant
Diver Pearls Seed BiG Garden Pot Temp grows into Diver Pearls Plant

Sprinklers! Water Tanks! Advanced Stuff![]

Okay, you want a more advanced system. Put a Sprinkler on the ceiling, and put a Pot below it. Place a Water Tank near the Sprinkler, and run a Pipe from the Water Tank's Output to the Sprinkler's Input. Remember: Pipes can't float; they can only move along the floor, wall, and ceiling. Water Tanks are a great way to start your journey with Sprinklers before you can automate water production, though you will have to fill them by hand with bottles. Visit a Greenhouse- they have water pits with 1,000 Dirty Water in them, all for the taking! Position your plants under the Sprinkler as best you can, and you're good to go.

Pipe Icon Pipe Icon SmallSprinkler Icon
Watertank Small Icon Pipe Icon Small Garden Pot Temp

If there's a wall in your way, you'll need to use a Pipe Socket to get through it. Pipe Sockets are basically a "hole" through a wall, floor, or ceiling. Be careful about placing Pipe Sockets too close to the ground, as the pipes might snap to the corner of the floor, rather than your pipe socket. Move them up the wall a bit to prevent this.

Pipe Icon Pipe Icon SmallSprinkler Icon
Watertank Small Icon Pipe Icon Pipe Icon PipeSocket Icon Metal Wall Icon PipeSocket Icon Small Garden Pot Temp

Once you get a Pipe Water Generator, you can get large amounts of water pumping into your Airship and lessen the amount of time you spend filling the Water Tanks. You don't actually need Water Tanks at this point, but it helps to have that buffer. Unless you don't have walls on your Airship, you'll need a Pipe Socket to pipe the water inside through your walls.

Once you get a Pipe Water Generator, you can get large amounts of water pumping into your Airship and lessen the amount of time you spend filling the Water Tanks. You don't actually need Water Tanks at this point, but it helps to have that buffer. Unless you don't have walls on your Airship, you'll need a Pipe Socket to pipe the water inside through your walls.

Pipe Icon Pipe Icon SmallSprinkler Icon
PipeWaterGenerator Icon Pipe Icon Pipe Icon PipeSocket Icon Metal Wall Icon PipeSocket Icon Pipe Icon Pipe Icon Watertank Small Icon Small Garden Pot Temp

You can turn Sprinklers on or off at will, and you can even daisy-chain them together! Be careful not to chain too many together, however. The exact amount of water and number of Sprinklers that each Water Generator can provide is subject to change over many patches during Early Access, so for now, see what works best for you!

Pipe Icon Pipe Icon SmallSprinkler Icon Pipe Icon SmallSprinkler Icon Pipe Icon LargeSprinkler Icon Pipe Icon LargeSprinkler Icon
Watertank Small Icon Small Garden Pot Temp Small Garden Pot Temp BiG Garden Pot Temp BiG Garden Pot Temp

A final note on Cross Pipes; You can use them to cross two lines of liquid (water or fuel). These do not act like a splitter, rather, they do what their name suggestion: They allow you to cross 2 different pipelines.

More information will be added as Gardening Updates are made. Good luck in growing a beautiful garden!
