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You can only obtain this item by crafting it in the Fabricator.


The Electrolyte Pill is a Consumable that, when used, will cure the Gastroenteritis Virus.

You can also Cook it to obtain an Overcooked Meal, though this is not recommended.

Recipe Unlock Information[]

Electrolyte Pill is unlocked as a Research Recipe in the Research Station upon picking up or scanning a Electrolyte Pill (found in Infected Greenhouse Towers), or upon getting infected with the Gastroenteritis Virus by eating Raw Food when your Immunity is below 100%, or upon analyzing a Patat or Dust Lettuce in the Virus Sample Analyzer.

The Research Recipe cost is:

x1 Canola Multidoigt Flower Canola Multidoigt Flower

Completing the Research Recipe will unlock Electrolyte Pill as a Craftable Item in the Fabricator.


Electrolyte Pill can be Crafted in the Suit Printer with the following ingredients:

x1 Canola Multidoigt Flower Canola Multidoigt Flower
x1 Patat Patat